video art
A modular video project exploring algorithm-driven social dynamics and digital enclosures. Through surreal and ironic snapshots, Ambulacri explores the phenomenon of echo chambers where communication loops reinforce homogeneity, and movement unfolds within a system designed to remain static. Blurring the line between simulation and reality, the work reflects on how digital structures shape perception, behavior, and contemporary existence.
Ambulacri is a modular art project combining video works and multimedia performative installations, developed by BOTH Industries, a transdisciplinary art association based in Bern, Switzerland, which I co-founded and direct. As a group of artists and designers, we explore the intersections of visual arts and the moving image, live performance, sound, new media, space design, and their intersections. Our research focuses on the evolving tensions between the physical and digital worlds, reflecting on their impact on contemporary society through speculative and aesthetic experiences.
Ambulacri’s various elements interweave into a dynamic and adaptable body of work, capable of evolving across different contexts and venues. With an ironic and surreal touch, the project captures fictional snapshots of the contemporary digital world, where social interactions are dictated by algorithms, creating a paradoxical state of constant movement yet profound stagnation.
The video series is composed of several audiovisual loops that present isolated clusters of people on perpetual walk, where human figures are multiplied on the screen with video collage techniques. Ambulacri’s allegorical apparatus orbits around the phenomenon of Echo Chambers, known in social media studies as virtual environments where lines of thought tend to radicalize due to the repetition of communicative patterns within a homogeneous community. Only two performers walking on treadmills interpret all the multiple figures that animate the virtual spaces, as if they were human models in a digital simulation. Their bodies are the founding element for the general visual composition: the represented environment is empty, and its traits emerge just through the juxtaposition of the individuals interacting in it. The loopy narrative structures and the repetition of gestural, visual, and rhythmic patterns reveal the principles that govern the scenes little by little. Gradually, the details unfold, and the polyvalent iconographic code imprints its meaning on the viewers’ minds.
The video series is composed of several audiovisual loops that present isolated clusters of people on perpetual walk, where human figures are multiplied on the screen with video collage techniques. Ambulacri’s allegorical apparatus orbits around the phenomenon of Echo Chambers, known in social media studies as virtual environments where lines of thought tend to radicalize due to the repetition of communicative patterns within a homogeneous community. Only two performers walking on treadmills interpret all the multiple figures that animate the virtual spaces, as if they were human models in a digital simulation. Their bodies are the founding element for the general visual composition: the represented environment is empty, and its traits emerge just through the juxtaposition of the individuals interacting in it. The loopy narrative structures and the repetition of gestural, visual, and rhythmic patterns reveal the principles that govern the scenes little by little. Gradually, the details unfold, and the polyvalent iconographic code imprints its meaning on the viewers’ minds.
Series of 4 video works
4K, 1 min seamless loops
color and stereo sound
digital video collage
22.06. Dreiviertel Kunstraum, Bern (CH)
22.06. What the lab, Basel (CH)
22.07. Tales Prize, Daste Spalenga, Bergamo (IT)
22.08. REX Box, Bern (CH)
22.08.26. A/V performance at Kino Rex, Bern (CH)
22.10. Open workshop at Villa Manin, Udine (IT)
23.03. Digital Art Prize, Carme Brescia (IT)
23.03. Buffet Nord, Bern (CH)
23.06-08. Combat Prize, Museo Civico Fattori
Livorno (IT)
23.06-08. Cantonale Berne Jura, Kunsthaus Pasquart, Biel (CH)
Ambulacri has been developed with the kind support of Kultur Stadt Bern, SWISSLOS Kanton Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern, GVB Kulturstiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Bürgi Willert Stiftung, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung, Ruth & Arthur Scherbarth Stiftung, and CSS - Teatro Stabile di Innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia.
We are grateful for the hospitality and technical support provided by the residency programs at Dampfzentrale Bern, Dialoghi / Residenze delle arti performative a Villa Manin, Troubleyn Laboratorium, and Residenze Digitali in partnership with Zona K Milano. We extend our appreciation to Polit-Forum Bern and Solutionsbüro for their collaborative efforts in sponsoring and offering technical support for the exhibition featured at Kunsthaus Pasquart Biel for the Cantonale Berne Jura 2023.
4K, 1 min seamless loops
color and stereo sound
digital video collage
22.06. Dreiviertel Kunstraum, Bern (CH)
22.06. What the lab, Basel (CH)
22.07. Tales Prize, Daste Spalenga, Bergamo (IT)
22.08. REX Box, Bern (CH)
22.08.26. A/V performance at Kino Rex, Bern (CH)
22.10. Open workshop at Villa Manin, Udine (IT)
23.03. Digital Art Prize, Carme Brescia (IT)
23.03. Buffet Nord, Bern (CH)
23.06-08. Combat Prize, Museo Civico Fattori
Livorno (IT)
23.06-08. Cantonale Berne Jura, Kunsthaus Pasquart, Biel (CH)
Ambulacri has been developed with the kind support of Kultur Stadt Bern, SWISSLOS Kanton Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern, GVB Kulturstiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Bürgi Willert Stiftung, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung, Ruth & Arthur Scherbarth Stiftung, and CSS - Teatro Stabile di Innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia.
We are grateful for the hospitality and technical support provided by the residency programs at Dampfzentrale Bern, Dialoghi / Residenze delle arti performative a Villa Manin, Troubleyn Laboratorium, and Residenze Digitali in partnership with Zona K Milano. We extend our appreciation to Polit-Forum Bern and Solutionsbüro for their collaborative efforts in sponsoring and offering technical support for the exhibition featured at Kunsthaus Pasquart Biel for the Cantonale Berne Jura 2023.

Credits —
Director and visual artist: Matteo Taramelli ︎ Performance artist: Valentin Markus Oppermann ︎ Performance artist: Stella Elena Höttler ︎ Sound artist: Jacopo Biffi ︎ IT developer: Martin Obrist ︎ Artist assistant: Beniamino Sciabica